Where to Eat at Disney World

Every Restaurant
Every Menu

Find the restaurants that match your budget, location, dietary needs, and more. Look through their menus or start with the items you can eat and pick your restaurant from there. Then, after you go, share your off-menu creations and chef-assisted dietary meals with others.


Joshua Caldwell
Joshua Caldwell
Entrepreneur, CEO of Pixalations
Chad Price
Chad Price
Artificial Intelligence Expert
Keith Bishop
Keith Bishop
Graphic designer
Phillip Black
Phillip Black
Graphic designer
Michael Nick
Michael Nick
IT expert
Russell Larson
Russell Larson
Businessman, Co-founder of FoxyBB
Troy Johnston
Troy Johnston
At vero eos et accusam
Tomothy Gardner
Tomothy Gardner
Coder and dreamer
Marcia Nichols
Maria Nichols
IT Specialist, coder and graphic designer

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